We are rolling back our prices to Pre-Pandemic levels

A few days ago, I was checking out at the local grocery store.I kept staring at the cash register screen as the subtotal kept climbing, and I looked at the bags wondering why so little is getting in the bags. As I looked around at other registers, I saw the same look of shock and surprise on other faces. Shocked to see how cost of simple grocery has increased so much. Like cost of gasoline, Food, utilities, and just about everything else. Including Tablecloths. Yes, over the past couple of years as the cost of everything that goes into our production has increased, we have also been forced to increase our prices. And with anyone questioning the reason for our price increase, the reply is “Cost of everything has increased”.
I feel like someone, somewhere and sometime must start acting to reverse things. So why not us, here and now!
The day after my shopping, I rolled up my sleeves, talked to my entire team and got their support, so we all went to work. As an actual manufacturer there is a lot we can do to save costs. We contacted every supplier and vendor and told them about what our goal was and asked them for their support. Just about everyone involved in our company agreed to give up something, and that was fantastic to see.
During the pandemic, we designed and produced an award-winning Face Mask, and as the demand for it grew, we kept increasing our production capacity. Now, as we skip grabbing that face mask when we leave the house, and we all feel safer being together, we can dedicate all our production capacity to our standard product line and further reduce our costs. And we are also working on a few new items.
With all that, we feel we are doing what every other responsible organization should start doing. Make it easier for people to purchase things. We are adjusting prices to the levels we had for the holiday season of 2019. That is up to 65% price reduction. That is correct; We are rolling back our prices to pre-pandemic levels. And we are proud and happy to do that just in time for the holiday season. And we are hoping with this action, we can get the support of all our buyers and with the increased volume we can keep supporting all our staff and employees. Keep in mind, every item you purchase from us has been entirely Made in USA.